Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Julie & Julia

Julie & Julia

The movie will tell you that the movie is based on two true stories, and both stories are delightful. Perhaps, biographical in nature (afterall, aren't all "Based on a True Story" movies biographies of a sort?) the delivery is akin to to that of Sliding Doors.

The stars, Meryl Streep and Amy Adams, portray real people who share a few similarities in life, and carry the viewer through the film as the plot progresses. It's a true delight to watch these two ladies working.

Without wanting to spoil the movie, I quote imdb.
"In 1949, Julia Child is in Paris, the wife of a diplomat, wondering how to spend her days. She tries hat making, bridge, and then cooking lessons at Cordon Bleu. There she discovers her passion. In 2002, Julie Powell, about to turn 30 and underemployed with an unpublished novel, decides to cook her way through "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" in a year and to blog about it. We go back and forth between these stories of two women learning to cook and finding success. Sympathetic, loving husbands support them both, and friendships, too, add zest. Written by"
That about sums it up. It's an enchanting movie with splendid performances, and very easy to connect to. I recommend a viewing on a quiet evening.

Score: A-

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Hot Tub Time Machine - Reviewed-Movies.blogspot

"What the heck is this?  This trailer looks so dumb.  It doesn't even appear to be entertaining," I thought, as I watched the trailer.

But, since I was able to obtain admission to a screening event, I invited a few friends to watch the flick. 
Boy, was I mistaken.

The reason that I found the trailer to be so lackluster is because 95% of the movie cannot be shown on broadcast television.

To their credit, there is an R-rated trailer for Hot Tub Time Machine.  Note: There is a gag age verification box that requires that you keep trying to show "how badly you want it".  Also, the trailer is rated R, so expect everything that comes with rated R, i.e. language, nudity, drugs, and adult comedy.